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andrewdavey-NotFoundMvc  链接

martijnboland-MvcPaging  链接

曾祥展 mvcPaging


using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MvcPaging
  public interface IPagedList
    int PageCount { get; }
    int TotalItemCount { get; }
    int PageIndex { get; }
    int PageNumber { get; }
    int PageSize { get; }
    bool HasPreviousPage { get; }
    bool HasNextPage { get; }
    bool IsFirstPage { get; }
    bool IsLastPage { get; }
    int ItemStart { get; }
    int ItemEnd { get; }    
  public interface IPagedList : IPagedList, IList

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MvcPaging
    public class PagedList : List, IPagedList
        public PagedList(IEnumerable source, int index, int pageSize, int? totalCount = null)
            : this(source.AsQueryable(), index, pageSize, totalCount)
        public PagedList(IQueryable source, int index, int pageSize, int? totalCount = null)
            if (index < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Value can not be below 0.");
            if (pageSize < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pageSize", "Value can not be less than 1.");
            if (source == null)
                source = new List().AsQueryable();
            var realTotalCount = source.Count();
            PageSize = pageSize;
            PageIndex = index;
            TotalItemCount = totalCount.HasValue ? totalCount.Value : realTotalCount;
            PageCount = TotalItemCount > 0 ? (int)Math.Ceiling(TotalItemCount / (double)PageSize) : 0;
            HasPreviousPage = (PageIndex > 0);
            HasNextPage = (PageIndex < (PageCount - 1));
            IsFirstPage = (PageIndex <= 0);
            IsLastPage = (PageIndex >= (PageCount - 1));
            ItemStart = PageIndex * PageSize + 1;
            ItemEnd = Math.Min(PageIndex * PageSize + PageSize, TotalItemCount);
            if (TotalItemCount <= 0)
            var realTotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(realTotalCount / (double)PageSize);
            if (realTotalCount < TotalItemCount && realTotalPages <= PageIndex)
                AddRange(source.Skip((realTotalPages - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize));
                AddRange(source.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize));
        #region IPagedList Members
        public int PageCount { get; private set; }
        public int TotalItemCount { get; private set; }
        public int PageIndex { get; private set; }
        public int PageNumber { get { return PageIndex + 1; } }
        public int PageSize { get; private set; }
        public bool HasPreviousPage { get; private set; }
        public bool HasNextPage { get; private set; }
        public bool IsFirstPage { get; private set; }
        public bool IsLastPage { get; private set; }
        public int ItemStart { get; private set; }
        public int ItemEnd { get; private set; }


using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace MvcPaging
    public class Pager
        private ViewContext viewContext;
        private readonly int pageSize;
        private readonly int currentPage;
        private readonly int totalItemCount;
        private readonly RouteValueDictionary linkWithoutPageValuesDictionary;
        private readonly AjaxOptions ajaxOptions;
        public Pager(ViewContext viewContext, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            this.viewContext = viewContext;
            this.pageSize = pageSize;
            this.currentPage = currentPage;
            this.totalItemCount = totalItemCount;
            this.linkWithoutPageValuesDictionary = valuesDictionary;
            this.ajaxOptions = ajaxOptions;
        public HtmlString RenderHtml()
            var pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalItemCount / (double)pageSize);
            const int nrOfPagesToDisplay = 10;
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Previous
            sb.Append(currentPage > 1 ? GeneratePageLink("<", currentPage - 1) : "<");
            var start = 1;
            var end = pageCount;
            if (pageCount > nrOfPagesToDisplay)
                var middle = (int)Math.Ceiling(nrOfPagesToDisplay / 2d) - 1;
                var below = (currentPage - middle);
                var above = (currentPage + middle);
                if (below < 4)
                    above = nrOfPagesToDisplay;
                    below = 1;
                else if (above > (pageCount - 4))
                    above = pageCount;
                    below = (pageCount - nrOfPagesToDisplay + 1);
                start = below;
                end = above;
            if (start > 1)
                sb.Append(GeneratePageLink("1", 1));
                if (start > 3)
                    sb.Append(GeneratePageLink("2", 2));
                if (start > 2)
            for (var i = start; i <= end; i++)
                if (i == currentPage || (currentPage <= 0 && i == 0))
                    sb.AppendFormat("{0}", i);
                    sb.Append(GeneratePageLink(i.ToString(), i));
            if (end < pageCount)
                if (end < pageCount - 1)
                if (pageCount - 2 > end)
                    sb.Append(GeneratePageLink((pageCount - 1).ToString(), pageCount - 1));
                sb.Append(GeneratePageLink(pageCount.ToString(), pageCount));
            // Next
            sb.Append(currentPage < pageCount ? GeneratePageLink(">", (currentPage + 1)) : ">");
            return new HtmlString(sb.ToString());
        private string GeneratePageLink(string linkText, int pageNumber)
            var routeDataValues = viewContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
            RouteValueDictionary pageLinkValueDictionary;
            // Avoid canonical errors when page count is equal to 1.
            if (pageNumber == 1)
                pageLinkValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary(this.linkWithoutPageValuesDictionary);
                if (routeDataValues.ContainsKey("page"))
                pageLinkValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary(this.linkWithoutPageValuesDictionary) { { "page", pageNumber } };
            // To be sure we get the right route, ensure the controller and action are specified.
            if (!pageLinkValueDictionary.ContainsKey("controller") && routeDataValues.ContainsKey("controller"))
                pageLinkValueDictionary.Add("controller", routeDataValues["controller"]);
            if (!pageLinkValueDictionary.ContainsKey("action") && routeDataValues.ContainsKey("action"))
                pageLinkValueDictionary.Add("action", routeDataValues["action"]);
            // 'Render' virtual path.
            var virtualPathForArea = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPathForArea(viewContext.RequestContext, pageLinkValueDictionary);
            if (virtualPathForArea == null)
                return null;
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("");
            if (ajaxOptions != null)
                foreach (var ajaxOption in ajaxOptions.ToUnobtrusiveHtmlAttributes())
                    stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" {0}="{1}"", ajaxOption.Key, ajaxOption.Value);
            stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" href="{0}">{1}", virtualPathForArea.VirtualPath, linkText);
            return stringBuilder.ToString();

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace MvcPaging
    public static class PagingExtensions
        #region AjaxHelper extensions
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            return Pager(ajaxHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, null, ajaxOptions);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            return Pager(ajaxHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, actionName, null, ajaxOptions);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, object values, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            return Pager(ajaxHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, new RouteValueDictionary(values), ajaxOptions);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName, object values, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            return Pager(ajaxHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, actionName, new RouteValueDictionary(values), ajaxOptions);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            return Pager(ajaxHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, valuesDictionary, ajaxOptions);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this AjaxHelper ajaxHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName, RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
            if (valuesDictionary == null)
                valuesDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
            if (actionName != null)
                if (valuesDictionary.ContainsKey("action"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The valuesDictionary already contains an action.", "actionName");
                valuesDictionary.Add("action", actionName);
            var pager = new Pager(ajaxHelper.ViewContext, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, valuesDictionary, ajaxOptions);
            return pager.RenderHtml();
        #region HtmlHelper extensions
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount)
            return Pager(htmlHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, null);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName)
            return Pager(htmlHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, actionName, null);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, object values)
            return Pager(htmlHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, new RouteValueDictionary(values));
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName, object values)
            return Pager(htmlHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, actionName, new RouteValueDictionary(values));
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary)
            return Pager(htmlHelper, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, null, valuesDictionary);
        public static HtmlString Pager(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, int pageSize, int currentPage, int totalItemCount, string actionName, RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary)
            if (valuesDictionary == null)
                valuesDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
            if (actionName != null)
                if (valuesDictionary.ContainsKey("action"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The valuesDictionary already contains an action.", "actionName");
                valuesDictionary.Add("action", actionName);
            var pager = new Pager(htmlHelper.ViewContext, pageSize, currentPage, totalItemCount, valuesDictionary, null);
            return pager.RenderHtml();
        #region IQueryable extensions
        public static IPagedList ToPagedList(this IQueryable source, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int? totalCount = null)
            return new PagedList(source, pageIndex, pageSize, totalCount);
        #region IEnumerable extensions
        public static IPagedList ToPagedList(this IEnumerable source, int pageIndex, int pageSize, int? totalCount = null)
            return new PagedList(source, pageIndex, pageSize, totalCount);



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