首页 > 系统crash无法启动 tpm error / could not read size 0x8000000e

系统crash无法启动 tpm error / could not read size 0x8000000e

系统crash无法启动 tpm error / couldn’t read size 0x8000000e






I’m getting this error while booting and my computer won’t start.

a tpm error (7) occurred attempting to read a pcr value

I installed CentOS 7 on a z400 workstation computer. I was working on it and mounted a USB device from terminal and rebooted the computer, then this problem occurred.


n case if somebody facing this issue in the boot time , the bellow steps fixes my issue :

first of all I was getting that error Message while booting :

a tpm error (7) occurred attempting to read a pcr value

and I’ve fixed it by :

within your grub menu choose

Advanced options for ubuntu

from the list which will pop up choose the recovery mood :

Ubuntu, with linux x.x.x.x (recovery mood)

you will boot your system in the recovery mood, which will pop up some errors to you.

one of those errors in checking your file system :

failure file system check of the root filesystem failed

The root filesystem on /dev/sdaX requires a manual fsck

in my case it was /dev/sda2 ,

you need then to run the following command :

fsck -y /dev/sdaX

while sdaX is your boot driver.


fsck -y /dev/sda1

a lot of prompts will ask you about fixing the issue,

hit yes for all those messages , after you finishing the fix , reboot your system :


and it should works fine.


  1. 查看磁盘
  2. 修复磁盘
  3. 重启
fsck -y /dev/sda1


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