自定义日志域Custom Logging Fields
{HTTP header field name}cqh
{HTTP header field name}pqh
{HTTP header field name}psh
{HTTP header field name}ssh
{HTTP header field name}cssh
这里UA表示user-agent,也就是client,P/C表示Proxy/Cache,如果Cache中就直接返回,如果没有就回源;OS表示original server,也就是源站。
下面是ATS 5.3.0源码中支持的日志字段及其含义
// client -> proxy fields
chi client_host_ip
chp client_host_port
chih client_host_ip_hex
caun client_auth_user_name
piid plugin_identity_id
pitag plugin_identity_tag
cqts client_req_timestamp_sec
cqth client_req_timestamp_hex_sec
cqtq client_req_timestamp_squid
cqtn client_req_timestamp_netscape
cqtd client_req_timestamp_date
cqtt client_req_timestamp_time
cqtx client_req_text
cqhm client_req_http_method
cqu client_req_url
cquuc client_req_unmapped_url_canonical
cquup client_req_unmapped_url_path
cquuh client_req_unmapped_url_host
cqus client_req_url_scheme
cqup client_req_url_path
cqhv client_req_http_version
cqhl client_req_header_len
cqbl client_req_body_len
cfsc client_finish_status_code
// proxy -> client fields
psct proxy_resp_content_type
psql proxy_resp_squid_len
pscl proxy_resp_content_len
psch proxy_resp_content_len_hex
pshl proxy_resp_header_len
pssc proxy_resp_status_code
pfsc proxy_finish_status_code
crc cache_result_code
chm cache_hit_miss
// proxy -> server fields
pqhl proxy_req_header_len
pqbl proxy_req_body_len
pqsn proxy_req_server_name
pqsi proxy_req_server_ip
phr proxy_hierarchy_route
phn proxy_host_name
phi proxy_host_ip
php proxy_host_port
// server -> proxy fields
shi server_host_ip
shn server_host_name
sssc server_resp_status_code
sscl server_resp_content_len
sshl server_resp_header_len
sshv server_resp_http_version
stms server_resp_time
stmsh server_resp_time_hex
stmsf server_resp_time_fractional
sts server_resp_time_sec
// cache -> client
csssc cached_resp_status_code
csscl cached_resp_content_len
csshl cached_resp_header_len
csshv cached_resp_http_version
crat client_retry_after_time
cwr cache_write_result
cwtr cache_write_transform_result
// other fields
ttms transfer_time_ms
ttmh transfer_time_ms_hex
ttmsf transfer_time_ms_fractional
tts transfer_time_sec
fsiz file_size
普通类型 %
容器类型 %<{field}container[start:end]>
如果忽略切片符号,就是默认取整个log field
切片符号只能应用于string类型的log field,不能应用于ip/timestamp类型,虽然它们能从整数转换为字符串类型
[start:end] 取log field的值,从start到end-1
[start:] 取log field的值,从start到余下的字符串
[:end] 去log field的值,从开头到end-1
[:] 默认取整个log field
'%' //the whole characters of .
'%[:]' //the whole characters of .
'%' //the first 30 characters of .
'%' //the last 10 characters of .
'%' //everything except the last 5 characters of .