首页 > zipparameters 使用_如何在linux服务器上使用--enable-zip参数重新编译php?

zipparameters 使用_如何在linux服务器上使用--enable-zip参数重新编译php?

We have ZZIPlib installed.

My command configure line looks like :

./configure ?with-apxs ?with-curl ?with-curl-dir=/usr/local/lib ?with-gd ?with-gd-dir=/usr/local ?with-gettext ?with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib ?with-kerberos, etc.

Then I need to add ?enable-zip to this line.

I can''t even find the right place to run the ./configure --help command.


You need to PHP source, which is available from php.net.

Then cd into the source directory, and run your new configure command (with your enable zip), then make && make install.


Sorry I couldn''t get you exactly, please explain in brief. Its very urgent requirement for me to enable ZIP functionality.

I have Webmin access but not know where and how to run Configure command with enable zip option.

Thanks a lot.

these are shell commands (aka CLI) so you need a shell window (or terminal (window), e.g. provided by aterm, xterm, ?) to type it there.


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