#!/bin/bashscript_name="welcome.sh" script_usage=$(cat <<EOF welcome.sh [OPTIONS] EOF ) script_function=$(cat <<EOF Display a welcome message. EOF ) script_doc=$(cat <<EOF -h Display this help. EOF ) script_examples=$(cat <<EOF EOF ) state_prefix="===" warning_prefix="***" error_prefix="!!!"function display_help() {if [ -n "$script_usage" ]; thenecho -e "Usage: $script_usage"fiif [ -n "$script_function" ]; thenecho -e "$script_function"fiif [ -n "$script_doc" ] ; thenecho -e " $script_doc"fiif [ -n "$script_examples" ]; thenecho -e " Examples"echo -e "$script_examples"fi }# Delete a same character from the beginning of a variable. The source variable is the global variable $src_string # $1: pattern character function del_leading_chars() {local pat_charlocal prev_src_string_lenlocal src_string_lendeclare -i prev_src_string_lendeclare -i src_string_lenpat_char=$1prev_src_string_len=0src_string_len=${#src_string}while [ $(($prev_src_string_len != $src_string_len)) = 1 ]; doprev_src_string_len=$src_string_lensrc_string=${src_string/#${pat_char}/}src_string_len=${#src_string}done }# Process command options while getopts ":h" opt; docase $opt inh ) display_helpexit 0 ;;? ) display_helpexit 1 ;;esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1))# Start execute the commanddeclare -i total_dates=365 year=`date +%Y`# Test leap year if [ $(($year % 100 == 0)) = 1 ]; thenif [ $(($year % 400 == 0)) = 1 ]; thentotal_dates=366fi elseif [ $(($year % 4 == 0)) = 1 ]; thentotal_dates=366fi fisrc_string=`date +%j` del_leading_chars '0' cur_day_no=$src_string src_string=`date +%V` del_leading_chars '0' cur_week_no=$src_stringecho "********************************************************" echo "Hello "`whoami`"! ""Welcome to "`hostname`"!" echo "Today is "`date "+%A, %B %d, %Y"` echo "Week $cur_week_no, day $cur_day_no, remaining days $(($total_dates - $cur_day_no))" echo "********************************************************" fortune