首页 > 将时间改为显示:几天前,几小时前,或者几分钟前




个人做法是保存时间戳,然后在前端用jq插件做转换,比如 smart-time-ago





<#macro timeline_dt datetime=.now>
<#assign ct = (.now?long-datetime?long)/1000>
<#if ct gte 31104000><#--n年前-->${(ct/31104000)?int}年前<#t><#elseif ct gte 2592000><#--n月前-->${(ct/2592000)?int}个月前<#t><#elseif ct gte 86400*2><#--n天前-->${(ct/86400)?int}天前<#t><#elseif ct gte 86400><#--1天前-->昨天<#t><#elseif ct gte 3600><#--n小时前-->${(ct/3600)?int}小时前<#t><#elseif ct gte 60><#--n分钟前-->${(ct/60)?int}分钟前<#t><#elseif ct gt 0><#--n秒前-->${ct?int}秒前<#t><#else>刚刚




public static void main(String[] args) {PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime();System.out.println(p.format(DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 2)));}




private final static long minute = 60 * 1000;// 1分钟private final static long hour = 60 * minute;// 1小时private final static long day = 24 * hour;// 1天private final static long month = 31 * day;//private final static long year = 12 * month;///*** 返回文字描述的日期* * @param date* @return*/public static String getTimeFormatText(Date date) {if (date == null) {return null;}long diff = new Date().getTime() - date.getTime();long r = 0;if (diff > year) {r = (diff / year);return r + "年前";}if (diff > month) {r = (diff / month);return r + "个月前";}if (diff > day) {r = (diff / day);return r + "天前";}if (diff > hour) {r = (diff / hour);return r + "个小时前";}if (diff > minute) {r = (diff / minute);return r + "分钟前";}return "刚刚";}






// Smart Time Ago v0.1.0// Copyright 2012, Terry Tai, Pragmatic.ly
// https://pragmatic.ly/
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// https://github.com/pragmaticly/smart-time-ago/blob/master/LICENSE(function() {var TimeAgo;TimeAgo = (function() {function TimeAgo(element, options) {this.startInterval = 60000;this.init(element, options);}TimeAgo.prototype.init = function(element, options) {this.$element = $(element);this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.timeago.defaults, options);this.updateTime();return this.startTimer();};TimeAgo.prototype.startTimer = function() {var self;self = this;return this.interval = setInterval((function() {return self.refresh();}), this.startInterval);};TimeAgo.prototype.stopTimer = function() {return clearInterval(this.interval);};TimeAgo.prototype.restartTimer = function() {this.stopTimer();return this.startTimer();};TimeAgo.prototype.refresh = function() {this.updateTime();return this.updateInterval();};TimeAgo.prototype.updateTime = function() {var self;self = this;return this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).each(function() {var timeAgoInWords;timeAgoInWords = self.timeAgoInWords($(this).attr(self.options.attr));return $(this).html(timeAgoInWords);});};TimeAgo.prototype.updateInterval = function() {var filter, newestTime, newestTimeInMinutes, newestTimeSrc;if (this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).length > 0) {if (this.options.dir === "up") {filter = ":first";} else if (this.options.dir === "down") {filter = ":last";}newestTimeSrc = this.$element.findAndSelf(this.options.selector).filter(filter).attr(this.options.attr);newestTime = this.parse(newestTimeSrc);newestTimeInMinutes = this.getTimeDistanceInMinutes(newestTime);if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 0 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 44 && this.startInterval !== 60000) {this.startInterval = 60000;return this.restartTimer();} else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 45 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 89 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 22) {this.startInterval = 60000 * 22;return this.restartTimer();} else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 90 && newestTimeInMinutes <= 2519 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 30) {this.startInterval = 60000 * 30;return this.restartTimer();} else if (newestTimeInMinutes >= 2520 && this.startInterval !== 60000 * 60 * 12) {this.startInterval = 60000 * 60 * 12;return this.restartTimer();}}};TimeAgo.prototype.timeAgoInWords = function(timeString) {var absolutTime;absolutTime = this.parse(timeString);return this.distanceOfTimeInWords(absolutTime) + (this.options.lang.suffix);};TimeAgo.prototype.parse = function(iso8601) {var timeStr;timeStr = $.trim(iso8601);timeStr = timeStr.replace(/.ddd+/, "");timeStr = timeStr.replace(/-/, "/").replace(/-/, "/");timeStr = timeStr.replace(/T/, " ").replace(/Z/, " UTC");timeStr = timeStr.replace(/([+-]dd):?(dd)/, " $1$2");return new Date(timeStr);};TimeAgo.prototype.getTimeDistanceInMinutes = function(absolutTime) {var timeDistance;timeDistance = new Date().getTime() - absolutTime.getTime();return Math.round((Math.abs(timeDistance) / 1000) / 60);};TimeAgo.prototype.distanceOfTimeInWords = function(absolutTime) {var dim;dim = this.getTimeDistanceInMinutes(absolutTime);if (dim === 0) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.lt + " " + this.options.lang.units.minute;} else if (dim === 1) {return "1 " + this.options.lang.units.minute;} else if (dim >= 2 && dim <= 44) {return "" + dim + " " + this.options.lang.units.minutes;} else if (dim >= 45 && dim <= 89) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.hour;} else if (dim >= 90 && dim <= 1439) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " " + (Math.round(dim / 60)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.hours;} else if (dim >= 1440 && dim <= 2519) {return "1 " + this.options.lang.units.day;} else if (dim >= 2520 && dim <= 43199) {return "" + (Math.round(dim / 1440)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.days;} else if (dim >= 43200 && dim <= 86399) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.month;} else if (dim >= 86400 && dim <= 525599) {return "" + (Math.round(dim / 43200)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.months;} else if (dim >= 525600 && dim <= 655199) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.year;} else if (dim >= 655200 && dim <= 914399) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.over + " 1 " + this.options.lang.units.year;} else if (dim >= 914400 && dim <= 1051199) {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.almost + " 2 " + this.options.lang.units.years;} else {return "" + this.options.lang.prefixes.about + " " + (Math.round(dim / 525600)) + " " + this.options.lang.units.years;}};return TimeAgo;})();$.fn.timeago = function(options) {if (options == null) options = {};return this.each(function() {var $this, data;$this = $(this);data = $this.data("timeago");if (!data) $this.data("timeago", new TimeAgo(this, options));if (typeof options === 'string') return data[options]();});};$.fn.findAndSelf = function(selector) {return this.find(selector).add(this.filter(selector));};$.fn.timeago.Constructor = TimeAgo;$.fn.timeago.defaults = {selector: 'time.timeago',attr: 'datetime',dir: 'up',lang: {units: {second: "second",seconds: "seconds",minute: "minute",minutes: "minutes",hour: "hour",hours: "hours",day: "day",days: "days",month: "month",months: "months",year: "year",years: "years"},prefixes: {lt: "less than a",about: "about",over: "over",almost: "almost"},suffix: ' ago'}};}).call(this);


(function (factory) {if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.define(['jquery'], factory);} else {// Browser globals
}(function ($) {$.timeago = function(timestamp) {if (timestamp instanceof Date) {return inWords(timestamp);} else if (typeof timestamp === "string") {return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp));} else if (typeof timestamp === "number") {return inWords(new Date(timestamp));} else {return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp));}};var $t = $.timeago;$.extend($.timeago, {settings: {refreshMillis: 60000,allowFuture: false,localeTitle: false,cutoff: 0,strings: {prefixAgo: null,prefixFromNow: null,suffixAgo: "前",suffixFromNow: "from now",seconds: "1分钟",minute: "1分钟",minutes: "%d分钟",hour: "1小时",hours: "%d小时",day: "1天",days: "%d天",month: "1月",months: "%d月",year: "1年",years: "%d年",wordSeparator: "",numbers: []}},inWords: function(distanceMillis) {var $l = this.settings.strings;var prefix = $l.prefixAgo;var suffix = $l.suffixAgo;if (this.settings.allowFuture) {if (distanceMillis < 0) {prefix = $l.prefixFromNow;suffix = $l.suffixFromNow;}}var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000;var minutes = seconds / 60;var hours = minutes / 60;var days = hours / 24;var years = days / 365;function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) {var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction;var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number;return string.replace(/%d/i, value);}var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) ||seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) ||minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) ||minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) ||hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) ||hours < 42 && substitute($l.day, 1) ||days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.round(days)) ||days < 45 && substitute($l.month, 1) ||days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.round(days / 30)) ||years < 1.5 && substitute($l.year, 1) ||substitute($l.years, Math.round(years));var separator = $l.wordSeparator || "";if ($l.wordSeparator === undefined) { separator = " "; }return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(separator));},parse: function(iso8601) {var s = $.trim(iso8601);s = s.replace(/.d+/,""); // remove millisecondss = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/");s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC");s = s.replace(/([+-]dd):?(dd)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400return new Date(s);},datetime: function(elem) {var iso8601 = $t.isTime(elem) ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title");return $t.parse(iso8601);},isTime: function(elem) {// jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IEreturn $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time");
    }});// functions that can be called via $(el).timeago('action')// init is default when no action is given// functions are called with context of a single elementvar functions = {init: function(){var refresh_el = $.proxy(refresh, this);refresh_el();var $s = $t.settings;if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) {setInterval(refresh_el, $s.refreshMillis);}},update: function(time){$(this).data('timeago', { datetime: $t.parse(time) });refresh.apply(this);},updateFromDOM: function(){$(this).data('timeago', { datetime: $t.parse( $t.isTime(this) ? $(this).attr("datetime") : $(this).attr("title") ) });refresh.apply(this);}};$.fn.timeago = function(action, options) {var fn = action ? functions[action] : functions.init;if(!fn){throw new Error("Unknown function name '"+ action +"' for timeago");}// each over objects here and call the requested functionthis.each(function(){fn.call(this, options);});return this;};function refresh() {var data = prepareData(this);var $s = $t.settings;if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) {if ( $s.cutoff == 0 || distance(data.datetime) < $s.cutoff) {$(this).text(inWords(data.datetime));}}return this;}function prepareData(element) {element = $(element);if (!element.data("timeago")) {element.data("timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) });var text = $.trim(element.text());if ($t.settings.localeTitle) {element.attr("title", element.data('timeago').datetime.toLocaleString());} else if (text.length > 0 && !($t.isTime(element) && element.attr("title"))) {element.attr("title", text);}}return element.data("timeago");}function inWords(date) {return $t.inWords(distance(date));}function distance(date) {return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime());}// fix for IE6 suckagedocument.createElement("abbr");document.createElement("time");




<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js">script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.timeago.js">script>


<abbr class="timeago" title="2012-11-28T11:17:00Z">abbr>

我们给abbr元素设置class为timeago,设置title为标准的ISO 8601时间格式,你也可以使用html5标签time:

<time class="timeago" datetime="2012-12-10T02:20:50Z">time>



$(function(){ $(".timeago").timeago(); 


$(function(){ jQuery.timeago(new Date());             //=> "约1分钟前" jQuery.timeago("2012-12-09");            //=> "1天前" jQuery.timeago(jQuery("abbr#some_id"));       //=> "1年前" // [title="2011-11-20"] 


jQuery.timeago.settings.allowFuture = true;



举个栗子,假设要处理的是北京时间2012-12-10 18:02:45,那么可以通过以下方式来获取准确的北京时间。

<abbr class="timeago" title="2012-12-10T10:02:45Z">abbr> 
<abbr class="timeago" title="2012-12-10T18:02:45Z+08:00">abbr>


