1. 今天遇到一问题,在sles11/vxworks下编译通过,但是在hpux下失败
2. 编译错误:
/usr/ccs/bin/ld:DP relative code in file /projects/xxx/DERIVED/tfa_pa32-hpux.a(tfa02_pa32-hpux.o) -shared library must be position
independent. Use +z or +Z to recompile.
3. 修改makefile,添加+z选项
4. 重新编译
5. 报新的错误如下:
/usr/ccs/bin/ld:Data Linkage Table (+z) overflow in file /projects/xxx/loglib_pa32-hpux-mt.a(a7ts_log_pa32-hpux-mt.o)- use +Z option to recompile
Reference from: /projects/xxx/loglib_pa32-hpux-mt.a(a7ts_log_pa32-hpux-mt.o)(0x604)
6. 查询+z 和 +Z 的区别,如下:
+z,+Z Both ofthese options cause the compiler to generate position independent code(PIC) for use in building shared libraries. +Z is the default in 64-bitmode. The -G and -p options are ignored if +z or +Z is used. Normally,+z should be used to generate PIC; however, when certain limits areexceeded, +Z is required to generate PIC. The ld linker issues theerror indicating when +Z is required. If both +z and +Z are
specified, only the last one encountered applies. For a more completediscussion regarding PIC and these
options, see HP-UX Linker and Libraries Online User's Guide and the manualProgramming on HP-UX.
7. 修改makefile,添加+Z选项:
8. 编译通过。
9. 结论:
9.1 +z/+Z 相当于gcc 中的-fPIC;
(The '+Z' refers to *compiler* flag for HP cc/CC, which isequivalent to '-fPIC' for gcc.)
9.2 +z +Z有区别;
9.3 这个选项是编译(compile)选项,而不是链接(ld)选项;
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