Lambda表达式, 都是用"=>"运算符。 读作"goes to"。Lambda表达式运算符的左边是输入参数(如果有),右边包含表达式或语句块。使用格式如下:
(input parameters) => expression;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;namespace Lambda
{delegate bool D();delegate bool D2(int i);class Test{public D del;public D2 del2;public void TestMethod(int input){int j = 0;del = () => {j = 10;return j > input;};del2 = (x) =>{return x == j;};Console.WriteLine("j = {0}", j);bool boolResult = del();Console.WriteLine("j = {0}, b = {1}", j, boolResult); }}class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Test test = new Test();test.TestMethod(5); bool result = test.del2(10);Console.WriteLine(result);Console.ReadKey();}}
private int x;
Cla cla = new Cla()
cla.x 这样引用是错的
如果public int x;
Cla cla = new Cla()
cla.x 这样引用是对的
You can also create an anonymous method using an operator called lambda and represented by =>. From our example above, to use the lambda operator to create an anonymous method, omit the delegate keyword and follow the parentheses by the operator. Here is an example: