g++ -g common_parent_in_tree.cpp -o common_parent_in_tree
#include struct TreeNode{int value;std::vector vec_children;
};TreeNode* CreateTreeNode(int value){TreeNode* pNode = new TreeNode();pNode->value = value;return pNode;
}void ConnectTreeNodes(TreeNode* pParent, TreeNode* pChild){if(pParent != NULL){pParent->vec_children.push_back(pChild);}
}void PrintTreeNode(TreeNode* pNode){if(pNode != NULL){printf("value of this node is: %d
", pNode->value);printf("its children is as the following");std::vector::iterator i = pNode->vec_children.begin();while(i < pNode->vec_children.end()){if(*i != NULL)printf("%d ", (*i)->value);}printf("
");}else{printf("this node is null.
}void PrintTree(TreeNode* pRoot){PrintTreeNode(pRoot);if(pRoot != NULL){std::vector::iterator i = pRoot->vec_children.begin();while(i < pRoot->vec_children.end()){PrintTreeNode(*i);++i;}}
}void DestroyTree(TreeNode* pRoot){if(pRoot != NULL){std::vector::iterator i = pRoot->vec_children.begin();while(i < pRoot->vec_children.end()){DestroyTree(*i);++i;}delete pRoot;}
题目:从上到下打印二叉树 II 从上到下按层打印二叉树,同一层的节点按从左到右的顺序打印,每一层打印到一行。 例如: 给定二叉树: [3,9,20,null,null,15,7], 3 / 9 20 / 15 7 返回其层次遍历结果: [ [3], [9,20], [...
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看了很多人写的好几个去重方法,我在这里精简组合下,适用于已排序与未排序的数组。 废话不多说,上代码。