首页 > sliva数据库简介--转载


sliva rRNA数据库(http://www.arb-silva.de/)用来检查和比对RNA序列,既可以针对16S/18S,SSU,也可以针对23S/28S, LSU,包括了Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya。同时也是ARB的官方指定数据库。

LSU: Large subunit (23S/28Sribosomal RNAs)

SSU: Small subunit (16S/18Sribosomal RNAs)


1.1 针对arb的下载




我选择的是其中的 RefNR 99,他是Ref 119的无冗余版本。

wget –c 


md5sum SSURef_NR99_119_SILVA_14_07_14_opt.arb.tgz;

wget –c ;http://www.arb-silva.de/fileadmin/silva_databases/release_119/ARB_files/SSURef_NR99_119_SILVA_14_07_14_opt.arb.tgz


1.2 仅仅是下载fasta文件


根据下载的需求,选择针对23S/28Sribosomal RNAs的LSU或者是针对16S/18Sribosomal RNAs的SSU;然后选择是否去冗余的,我选择去,即Nr99;然后选择是否trunc,即是否对名字缩写;选择是否全长比对结果;



Multi FASTA files of the SSU/LSU databases including the SILVAtaxonomy for

Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes in the header.

REMARK: The sequences in the files are NOT truncated to theeffective LSU or

SSU genes. They contain the full entries as they have been depositedin the

public repositories (ENA/GenBank/DDBJ).


Fasta header:

>accession_number.start_position.stop_position taxonomic pathorganism name




Multi FASTA files of the SSU/LSU databases including the SILVAtaxonomy for

Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes in the header (including the FULLalignment).

REMARK: Sequences in these files haven been truncated. This meansthat all

nucleotides that have not been aligned were removed from thesequence.




Multi FASTA files of the SSU/LSU database including the SILVAtaxonomy for

Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes in the header.

REMARK: Sequences in these files haven been truncated. This meansthat all

nucleotides that have not been aligned were removed from thesequence.





Quast C, Pruesse E, Yilmaz P, Gerken J, Schweer T, Yarza P, PepliesJ, Glöckner FO (2013) The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improveddata processing and web-based tools. Opens external link in new windowNucl.Acids Res. 41 (D1): D590-D596



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