最近买个了小本lenovo x100e,结果发现这小本没有大小写指示灯,在windows用也无妨,不过我常常用这本在ubuntu中调试linux代码,vi 常用的编辑器,熟悉的都知道,大小写很关键的,用google搜了一下,发现可以用如下方法解决:
1. “sudo apt-get install lock-keys-applet”
2. Although installed it's not added by default. You need to right-click the panel and select 'Add to Panel', then find the Lock Keys applet and click add.
refer to:
We have ZZIPlib installed.My command configure line looks like :./configure ?with-apxs ?with-curl ?with-curl-dir=/usr/local/lib ?with-gd ?with-gd-dir=/usr/local ?with-g...
asar Whether to package the application’s source code into an archive, using Electron’s archive format. Defaults to true. Node modules, that must be unpacked, will be d...
1. 今天遇到一问题,在sles11/vxworks下编译通过,但是在hpux下失败 2. 编译错误: /usr/ccs/bin/ld:DP relative code in file /projects/xxx/DERIVED/tfa_pa32-hpux.a(tfa02_pa32-hpux.o) -share...
修改Ubuntu的启动logo 原文链接: https://my.oschina.net/jmjoy/blog/380262 内容: Plymouth splash screen is the initial splash screen at boot-up.Ubuntu 10.04 uses Plym...
上篇笔记中梳理了一把 resolver 和 balancer,这里顺着前面的流程走一遍入口的 ClientConn 对象。ClientConn// ClientConn represents a virtual connection to a conceptual endpoint, to // perform RPCs. // //...
我的实验是基于PSPNet模型实现二维图像的语义分割,下面的代码直接从得到的h5文件开始往下做。。。 也不知道是自己的检索能力出现了问题还是咋回事,搜遍全网都没有可以直接拿来用的语义分割代码,东拼西凑,算是搞成功了。 实验平台:Windows、VS2015、Tensorflow1.8 api、Python3.6 具体的流程为:...
Path Tracing 懒得翻译了,相信搞图形学的人都能看得懂,2333 Path Tracing is a rendering algorithm similar to ray tracing in which rays are cast from a virtual camera and traced through a s...