一个数组存储了非负整型数据,数组中的第i个元素a[i],代表了可以从数组第i个 位置最多向前跳跃a[i]步;已知数组各元素的情况下,求是否可以从数组的第0个位置跳跃到数组的最后一个元素的位置,返回是true或者false判断是否能够跳跃到结尾
nums = [2, 3, 1, 1, 4] ,可以从nums[0] = 2 跳跃至 nums[4] = 4;
nums = [3, 2, 1, 0, 4] ,不可以从nums[0] = 3 跳跃至 nums[4] = 4
比如:nums = [2 3 1 1 4]
第一次跳 为2,那么接下来可以跳一次,跳到nums[1] = 3;或者跳跃2次,nums[2] = 1
所以,贪心规律即为 每次跳跃的落点,为接下来可跳跃范围中最大的值;站在巨人的肩膀上可以跳得更远。
bool judge_finish(vector<int> &stage) { vector<int> index;/*构造最远跳至的 index列表*/for (int i = 0; i < stage.size(); ++i) { index.push_back(i + stage[i]);}int max_index = stage[0];int jump = 0;/*筛选条件为要求为jump达到数组尾且 jump不能超过index数组,否则当前道路为不可达*/while(jump < index.size() && jump <= max_index) { if (max_index < index[jump]) { max_index = index[jump];}jump ++;}/*当 jump达到数组尾,即此时已经能够走完*/if (jump == index.size()) { return true;}return false;
#include using namespace std;bool judge_finish(vector<int> &stage) { vector<int> index;for (int i = 0; i < stage.size(); ++i) { index.push_back(i + stage[i]);}int max_index = stage[0];int jump = 0;while(jump < index.size() && jump <= max_index) { if (max_index < index[jump]) { max_index = index[jump];}jump ++;}if (jump == index.size()) { return true;}return false;
}int main() { vector<int> s;int tmp;cout << "input arr " <<endl;for (int i =0;i < 5; ++i) { cin >> tmp;s.push_back(tmp);}cout << "the true or false that judge the result is " << judge_finish(s) << endl;return 0;
input arr
3 2 2 0 5
the true or false that judge the result is 1
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