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2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> hot3.png

“ReactOS 项目正在迅速发展。 一个参与该项目的开发者建议我们 重新分析源代码 ,因为代码库正在迅速增长。我们很高兴这样做。我们很喜欢这一项目;如果这篇文章有助于开发者消除一些错误,我们将会很高兴。分析的工具是PVS-Studio5.02代码分析器”。


转载请注明: Linux人社区> 英文资讯翻译专版.编译

英文原文: Re-checking the ReactOS project

"The ReactOS project is rapidly developing. One of the developers participating in this project suggested that we re-analyzed the source code, as the code base is growing fast. We were glad to do that. We like this project, and we'll be happy if this article helps the developers to eliminate some bugs. Analysis was performed with the PVS-Studio 5.02 code analyzer."



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