#ifndef __MINE_H__
#define __MINE_H__#define LINE 10
#define LIST 10
#define ROWS 6
#define COWS 6int game(char UserBoard[LINE+2][LIST+2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST]);
void PrintBoard(char Playerboard[LINE][LIST]);
void MineLay(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2]);
void PrintUser(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2]);
int MineClear(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST]);
void Blast(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST]);
int Counter(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST], int x, int y);#endif //mine.h
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1#include
#include"mine.h"void MineLay(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2])
{int x = 0, y = 0,i = 0,j = 0;char m = '0';printf("**************************
");printf("******* a: 十个雷 ********
");printf("******* b: 二十雷 ********
");if ('a' == m){j = 10;}elsej = 20;while (i < j){x = rand() % 10 + 1;y = rand() % 10 + 1;if ('0' == UserBoard[x][y]){UserBoard[x][y] = '1';i++;}}}void Blast(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST])//全局输了
{int i = 0, j = 0;for (i = 1; i <=LINE; i++){for (j = 1; j <= LIST; j++){if ('1' == UserBoard[i][j]){PlayerBoard[i - 1][j - 1] = '#';}if ('*' == PlayerBoard[i - 1][j - 1]) //{ //PlayerBoard[i - 1][j - 1] = ' '; //} //}}
}void PrintBoard(char Playerboard[LINE][LIST])
{int i = 0, j = 0;printf(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
");for (i = 0; i < LINE; i++){printf("%2d| ",i+1);for (j = 0; j < LIST; j++){printf("%c ",Playerboard[i][j]);}printf("
}int MineClear(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST])
{int x = 0, y = 0,num = 0,win = 0,i =0,j = 0,m = 0,n = 0,p = 0,q = 0,a = 0,b = 0;while (1){printf("请输入扫雷坐标>:");scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);a = x;b = y;i = x;j = y;m = x;n = y;p = x;q = y;if ((x > 0 && x <= 10) && (y > 0 && y <= 10)){if ('1' == UserBoard[x][y]){PlayerBoard[x-1][y-1] = '#';Blast(UserBoard, PlayerBoard);PrintBoard(PlayerBoard);printf("啊!!!!你被炸死啦!!!!
");return 0;}if ('0' == UserBoard[x][y]){for (a = x; a >= 1; a--,b = y)//向上向左{if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, a, b))break;for (b = y; b >= 1; b--) 自加自减和for循环的初值一定要注意哦,我一开始的代码是 for (a = x; a >= 1 && '0' == UserBoard[a][b]; a--)for(; b >= 1 && '0' == UserBoard[a][b]; b--)此时{ //此时,当a--时,b的值已经是上次的0了,所以下面的每次都不执行,因为判断条件是b>=1if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, a, b))break;}}for (i = x; i >= 1; i--,j = y)//向上向右数{if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, i, j))break;for (j = y; j <= LIST; j++) //for循环里面尽量不要既执行又判断{if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, i, j))break;}}for (m = x; m <= LINE; m++,n = y)//向下向左{if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, m, n))break;for (n = y; n >= 1; n--){if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, m, n))break;} }for (p = x; p <= LINE; p++,q = y)//向下向右{if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, p, q))break;for (q = y; q <= 4; q++){if (0 != Counter(UserBoard, PlayerBoard, p, q))break;} }PrintBoard(PlayerBoard);//PrintUser(UserBoard); win = 0; //一开始的时候这个地方没有写win = 0;这样就出现了一个问题,就是,上次输入一个坐标循环的时候win已经有大于0的值,导致循环完的最终结果不能小于3for (x = 0; x < LINE; x++){for (y = 0; y < LIST;y++)if ('*' == PlayerBoard[x][y]){win++; }}if (win <= 3){for (x = 0; x < LINE; x++){for (y = 0; y < LIST; y++)if ('*' == PlayerBoard[x][y]){PlayerBoard[x][y] = '#';}}printf("扫雷成功,你赢了!!!
");return 0;}}}}
}int Counter(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST], int x, int y)
{int num = 0;num = (UserBoard[x - 1][y - 1] - '0') +(UserBoard[x - 1][y] - '0') +(UserBoard[x - 1][y + 1] - '0') +(UserBoard[x][y - 1] - '0') +(UserBoard[x][y + 1] - '0') +(UserBoard[x + 1][y - 1] - '0') +(UserBoard[x + 1][y] - '0') +(UserBoard[x + 1][y + 1] - '0');if (0 == num){PlayerBoard[x - 1][y - 1] = '0';}else{PlayerBoard[x - 1][y - 1] = num + '0';}return num;
}int game(char UserBoard[LINE+2][LIST+2], char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST])
{/*int x = 0, y = 0;int i = 0, j = 0;*///PrintBoard(PlayerBoard);MineLay(UserBoard);PrintBoard(PlayerBoard);//PrintUser(UserBoard); ///return MineClear(UserBoard, PlayerBoard);return 0;
}void PrintUser(char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2])
{int i = 0, j = 0;printf(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
");for (i = 0; i < LINE + 2; i++){printf("%2d ", i );for (j = 0; j < LIST + 2; j++){printf("%c ", UserBoard[i][j]);}printf("
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1#include
//1.第一次扫雷,扫一大片2.玩家选择难度3.插标记void menu()
");printf("****** 1.play *******
");printf("****** 0.exit *******
}int main()
{char PlayerBoard[LINE][LIST];char UserBoard[LINE + 2][LIST + 2];int input = 1, a = 0;srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));while (input){memset(PlayerBoard, '*', sizeof(char)*LINE*LIST);memset(UserBoard, '0', sizeof(char)*(LINE+2)*(LIST+2));menu();scanf("%d", &input);printf("
");switch (input){case 1:a = game(UserBoard, PlayerBoard);break;case 0:break; //此处break的作用是结束switchdefault:printf("你的输入不符合要求,请重新输入>:"); break;}if (0 == input){break; //此处break的作用是跳出while循环,即结束游戏}}printf("游戏结束,欢迎再次使用!!!
");system("pause");return 0;
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