-------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------
SYSTEM 1405091840 3.4360E+10 1403584512 1507328 .11% ONLINE
ADD DATAFILE '/u1/oradata/cba/system02.dbf' SIZE 5120M;
2 NVL (u.bytes, 0) "SPACE_bytes",
3 NVL (u.maxbytes, 0) "MAX_bytes",
4 NVL (u.bytes, 0) - NVL (f.bytes, 0) "USED_bytes",
5 NVL (f.bytes, 0) "UNUSED_bytes",
6 TO_CHAR (100* (NVL (f.bytes, 0) / NVL (u.bytes, 0)),'999.99')|| '%' "FREE_bytes",
7 d.status "STATUS"
8 FROM dba_tablespaces d,
9 (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (bytes) bytes,
10 SUM (maxbytes) maxbytes
11 FROM dba_data_files
12 GROUP BY tablespace_name) u,
13 (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM (bytes) bytes
14 FROM dba_free_space
15 GROUP BY tablespace_name) f
16 WHERE d.tablespace_name = u.tablespace_name(+)
17 AND d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name(+)
18 AND u.bytes != 0;
NAME SPACE_bytes MAX_bytes USED_bytes UNUSED_bytes FREE_bytes STATUS
-------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------
SYSTEM 6773800960 3.4360E+10 1404633088 5369167872 79.26% ONLINE