Gdb高级调试技巧 is a project mainly written in , based on the .1. 反向调试 gdb支持程序反向执行。 record 让程序开始记录反向调试所必要的信息 rn : reverse next rc: reverse continue ,Continue program being debugged but run it in reverse record stop: 停止记录 2. ...
连续地址数据(数组或者malloc的内存)作为函数参数 is a project mainly written in , based on the .在编程时,一簇连续的内存单元,比如数组或者malloc的内存块,如下的数组a 或者指针p. int a[4]; int *p = malloc(4 * sizeof(int)); 我们要想修改上述连续的内存块,可以写一个函数(一维指针做参数传入起始地址即可)来搞定。 If you want to pass a single-d...
双重指针作为函数参数的妙用 is a project mainly written in , based on the .双重指针作为函数参数,可以在函数函数内部修改外部指针的值。主要用法包括:
1. 在函数内部分配内存,作为函数参数返回;
2. 在函数内部设置指针为空;
Gprof 性能优化工具 is a project mainly written in , based on the .gprof用于分析函数调用耗时,可用gprof分析最耗时的函数,以便优化程序。 gcc链接时也一定要加-pg参数,以使程序运行结束后生成gmon.out文件,供gprof分析。 gprof默认不支持多线程程序,默认不支持共享库程序。 gcc 编译程序时添加编译选项-pg 运行程序,程序退出时生成 gmon.outgprof ./...
Memset初始化内存 is a project mainly written in , based on the .在suse 9,运行man memset 查看memset的解释如下: “NAME memset - fill memory with a constant byte SYNOPSIS #include
二维指针操作链表 is a project mainly written in , based on the .背景 Linus slashdot: Linus大婶在slashdot上回答一些编程爱好者的提问,其中一个人问他什么样的代码是他所喜好的,大婶表述了自己一些观点之后,举了一个指针的例子,解释了什么才是core low-level...
C面向对象之透明指针的运用 is a project mainly written in , based on the .不透明指针(opaque pointer)可以用来在C中实现封装。
什么是不透明指针(opaque pointer)
Malloc(0)-malloc 0 字节 is a project mainly written in , based on the .C17中有如下描述: 7.22.3 Memory management functions 1 The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the aligned_alloc, calloc, malloc, and realloc fun...
怎么编写段错误(Segmentation fault)的程序 is a project mainly written in , based on the .On Unix-like operating systems, a process that accesses invalid memory receives the SIGSEGV signal. On Microsoft Windows, a process that accesses invalid memory receive...
C运算符优先级笔记 is a project mainly written in , based on the . 1. 指针数组
int *p[5];
[] 大于 *
2. 强制类型() 与 成员选择(./->)
C 变量的作用域 is a project mainly written in , based on the .下面的程序输出什么?思考一下
List_for_each_safe is a project mainly written in , based on the .list_for_each_safeBidirect-list list_for_each_safe().
Linux kernel list_head is a project mainly written in , based on the .Play with kernel list_head, three examples一篇介绍linux 内核链表的非常精彩的文章。...
LTE随机接入过程 is a project mainly written in , based on the .随机接入过程中,UE需要ra-PreambleIndex/ ra-PRACH-MaskIndex。ra-PreambleIndex: 是要使用的preamble的索引。ra-PRACH-MaskIndex: 决定此preamble发送时的时频位置.在非竞争接入时,eNB怎么把这2个参数告诉UE呢?也可以参考:点击打开链接...
Sorry, Sarah is a project mainly written in , based on the .Sorry, Sarah...
Blender中的Python脚本介绍学习教程 is a project mainly written in , based on the .Blender中的Python脚本介绍学习教程 MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,48000 Hz 语言:英语+中英文字幕(根据原英文字幕机译更准确)|大小解压后:1.63 GB |时长:2h 39m 你会学到什么 云桥网络 平台获取教程! Blender提供的所有工具和实用程序概述 高效使...
室内设计木地板材质合集包 Arroway – Design Craft Vol.4 is a project mainly written in , based on the .室内设计木地板材质合集包 Arroway – Design Craft Vol.4 室内设计木地板材质合集包 Arroway – Design Craft Vol.4 阿洛维——设计工艺第四卷 大小:20G 信息: 云桥网络 平台获取素材! 36种单板纹理 纹理包括漫反射、法线、凹凸、反射率、环境遮挡*、各向异性*...
LTE: MIB和SIB,小区选择和重选规则 is a project mainly written in , based on the .LTE 中MIB/SIB内容可以参考: MIB/SIB的详细内容参考下面两张图 MIB,SIB1,SIB2 可以关注下小区选择的参数,用特殊颜色表示 36.304 - Cell Selection Cri...
视频分辨率无损放大软件 Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.3.0 is a project mainly written in , based on the .视频分辨率无损放大软件 Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.3.0 Topaz Video Enhance AI是一款非常好用的视频分辨率放大软件,用户可以通过这款软件将视频的分辨率进行自定义调节,最高能够将其放大至8K分辨率,并提供真实的细节和动作一致性,放大后的视频不会出现模糊的情况。 Windows x64...
Unreal Engine+Houdini创造程序性游戏场景视频教程 is a project mainly written in , based on the .Unreal Engine+Houdini创造程序性游戏场景视频教程 大小解压后:27.4G 持续时间14小时30分 包括项目文件 1920X1080 高清视频 程序游戏环境——虚幻引擎和Houdini 信息: 云桥网络 平台获取教程 导言: 欢迎来到虚幻引擎4和Houdini的程序游戏环境课程!这门课程包含了专家...