基于Eigen库和Matlab计算非线性多元函数最小值 is a project mainly written in , based on the .当函数y = 10*(x0+3)^2 + (x1-5)^2取最小值时,计算x0和x1的值,即: {x0, x1} = argminx0,x1(10∗(x0+3)2+(x1−5)2)mathop{argmin}_{x0, x1}( 10*(x0+3)^2 + (x1-5)^2)argminx0,x1(10∗(x0+3)2+...
基于Windows配置COLMAP环境 is a project mainly written in , based on the .colmap-3.6-dev工程第三方依赖库 Eigen==3.3.7 https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/3.3.7/eigen-3.3.7.zipFreeImage==3.17.0 https://github.com/twnkls/FreeImage-3.17.0-VS...
鱼眼图像的unwarping过程 is a project mainly written in , based on the .第一行是提取有效区域后的鱼眼图;第二行就是展开图(第二张和第四张根据需要裁剪了一部分)
C++ OpenCV形态学操作--开闭操作,形态学梯度,顶帽,黑帽 is a project mainly written in , based on the .https://my.oschina.net/u/4582134/blog/4582844...
基于C++的二叉树的入门讲解 is a project mainly written in , based on the .https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/60962760 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35644234/article/details/53013738 https://blog.csdn.net/u012285643/article/details/78524758...
Python如何在以数字命名的文件前补0 is a project mainly written in , based on the .本例的初始文件是4位数字 (e.g. 0001.png),想在前面补1个0 (00001.png) import numpy as np import cv2 from ptsemseg.utils import recursive_glob import osroot = "./src/" root1 = "./dst/" fil...
基于C++的骨架提取的鼻祖算法 is a project mainly written in , based on the .算法是基于A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns论文 https://blog.csdn.net/keneyr/article/details/88944563 简单的解释算法: https://blog.csdn.net/xukaiwen_2016...
基于C++的图像散度计算 is a project mainly written in , based on the .在x y的梯度上再求一次导数后相加便是散度。注意不要使用convertScaleAbs int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {cv::Mat IMG = cv::imread("./img.jpg", 1);cv::Mat k = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT,...
张正友相机标定代码(c++python) is a project mainly written in , based on the .c++ https://www.cnblogs.com/riddick/p/8486223.html python 原理:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/94244568 代码:https://github.com/1368069096/Calibration_ZhangZhengyou_Met...
基于SfM计算相机姿态 is a project mainly written in , based on the .具体过程为: ① 通过相机标定方法,预先计算相机的内参矩阵; ② 相邻帧特征点匹配,并结合内参矩阵计算本征矩阵; ③ 本征矩阵分解获得相机的外参矩阵[R | T],最终的相机移动距离等于矩阵T的Frobenius范数。
TensorFlow 输出tensor数据 is a project mainly written in , based on the .# Input icrf(tensor数据) # Output out(float数据) import tensorflow as tf import numpy as npsess = tf.Session() preinput = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, None, 3])...
根据曲线上的采样点拟合直线 is a project mainly written in , based on the .//@Func lineFit
//@para points:曲线上的所有采样点
//@para a,b,c: 直线ax+by+c=0的三个参数
void lineFit(vector
Hololens2-OpenXR开发(二)-实现通讯 is a project mainly written in , based on the .Writing a Holographic Remoting Remote app using the OpenXR API 本文是根据官方示例的学习笔记 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/native/holographic-remot...
Hololens2-OpenXR开发(一)-入门 is a project mainly written in , based on the .目录OpenXR简介OpenXR开发文档:Github官方示例:...
VS生成dll和lib库文件 is a project mainly written in , based on the .师弟总结的已经很好了 或者: 原工程需要导出的函数: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Func(); 现工程导入这个函数: extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void Func();...
了解Hololens2的硬件信息 is a project mainly written in , based on the ....
HC-05与HC-06的AT指令的区别 is a project mainly written in , based on the .蓝牙HC-05与HC-06对比指令集 高电平-》AT命令响应工作状态 低电平-》蓝牙常规工作状态 <重新上电表示完成复位> HC-05 可以主从切换模式,但是HC-06虽然可以做主机也可以做从机,但是不能切换模式 模块进入AT响应状态:波特率:9600 数据位 :8位 停止位:1位 无校验位 ...
主机端实时获取Hololens2的RGBD数据流 is a project mainly written in , based on the .整体流程是仿照Github官方文档和这位博主的,具体细节根据个人习惯做了修改并补充了一些说明。 0. 环境配置 Windows10 Unity 2020.3.31f1c1 VS2019 Python3.6 1. 打开Hololens的研究者模式(非常重要) 如果不打开的话,程序是无法访问到眼镜传感器数据的 https...
在ubuntu下设置eclipse开发STM32等嵌入式设备 is a project mainly written in , based on the .之前为了能够让ROS与底层能够顺利通讯,我采用可开源开发板arduino ,因为arduino有ROS的库,能够按照ROS wiki上所给的教程就可以顺利的开发,但由于arduino的局限性,我觉得是可以直接用嵌入式开发ROS 与底层的通信的,(不知道为什么我写这样理由的时候,就写不下去了) 。 在ubuntu系统下安装RO...
运行ORB-SLAM笔记_编译篇(一) is a project mainly written in , based on the .1.下载代码 https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM/ (同时也可以看看作者的牛叉论文,我是打算先用代码,再回头看论文) 2.打开后如下 就好像是用一件新产品一样,我们首先要看一下说明书“README.md”, README.md介绍了很多关于这个工...