OpenMP使用指南 is a project mainly written in , based on the .
Qt创建多线程的步骤 is a project mainly written in , based on the .Step1:在界面主函数的构造函数中初始化多线程 auto mythread = new QThread(); //新建connect(mythread , &QThread::finished, mythread, &QObject::deleteLater);//线程运行结束后释放内存object1->moveToThread...
如何在CSDN MarkDown中居中显示并设置本地图像大小 is a project mainly written in , based on the .初始导入的图像过大:
url是红色括号里面的内容;width或者height也可以设置绝对大小width="200" 最终变成:
基于VTK的Delaunay的三角剖分算法 is a project mainly written in , based on the .实现效果: 开发环境:VS2015 + VTK5.10 #define vtkRenderingCore_AUTOINIT 4(vtkInteractionStyle,vtkRenderingFreeType,vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL,vtkRenderingOpenGL) #define...
使用GetNextCell或者GetCell输出vtkCellArray的坐标点 is a project mainly written in , based on the .vtkSmartPointer
利用OpenGL渲染并用OpenCV输出显示二维图像 is a project mainly written in , based on the .OpenGL所有渲染的结果都输出显示在窗口中,设置OpenCV的图像cv::Mat outimg,并使用OpenGL的glReadPixels从帧缓冲区中加载像素至内存: //use fast 4-byte alignment (default anyway) if possible glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_AL...
实现2D全景图的中心视野变换 is a project mainly written in , based on the .对于同一场景的2D全景图,如果想改变其视野中心位置,比如下图,初始情况下视野的中心位置是蓝框,如果想让红框的灯位于中心位置该怎么做呢?
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
几何空间中坐标系转换 is a project mainly written in , based on the .phi是从z轴正半轴开始; theta是从x正半轴向y正半轴旋转。...
基于C++的本征图像分解(Intrinsic Image Decomposition) is a project mainly written in , based on the .利用本征图像分解(Intrinsic Image Decomposition)算法,将图像分解为shading(illumination) image 和 reflectance(albedo) image,计算图像的reflectance image。 Reflectance Image 是指在变化的光照条件下能够维持不变的图像部分...
使用cmd将磁盘转化为GPT格式 is a project mainly written in , based on the .
C++中extern使用 is a project mainly written in , based on the .C++中extern是指全局的意思。它一般有两个方面的用途: 1、声明变量 首先说一下声明和定义的区别: ①变量的定义:用于为变量分配存储空间,还可以为变量指定初始值。在一个程序中,变量有且仅有一个定义。 ②变量的声明:用于向程序表明变量的类型和名字。定义也是声明:当定义变量时我们声明了它的类型和名字。可以通过使用extern...
Python调整图像亮度和饱和度 is a project mainly written in , based on the .# 调整图像亮度input_image = cv2.cvtColor(input_image , cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)input_image [:, :, 2] = scale_value * input_image [:, :, 2]input_image [:, :, 2][input_image [:, :, 2...
Python修改Mitsuba的XML相关参数 is a project mainly written in , based on the .转自 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import sys # NOTE: remember to specify paths using FORWARD slashes (i.e. '/'...
Tensorflow::Session 释放内存 is a project mainly written in , based on the .使用tensorflow::Session是要释放的,否则循环起来,崩溃到怀疑人生。 方法一: 使用Close() tensorflow::Session * session;tensorflow::Status status; tensorflow::GraphDef graphdef; //Define a graph fo...
基于CUDA实现立方体贴图 (Cubemaps) 转换为全景图 (Equirectangular Panorama) is a project mainly written in , based on the .在立方体贴图空间内发射光线(视线),计算球面光线(视线)会击中哪个面的哪个像素的像素值,最终生成Equirectangular全景图。 InitSceneTexture():先获取Cubemaps并将其绑定在GPU中 void InitSceneTexture() {char* path = "./Cubemaps";myEnvi...
C++ 生成随机数 is a project mainly written in , based on the .要取得[a,b)的随机整数,使用(rand() % (b-a))+ a; 要取得[a,b]的随机整数,使用(rand() % (b-a+1))+ a; 要取得(a,b]的随机整数,使用(rand() % (b-a))+ a + 1; 通用公式:a + rand() % n;其中的a是起始值,n是整数的范围。 要取得a到b之间的...
图像的矩,以及利用矩求图像的重心,方向 is a project mainly written in , based on the .计算图像中特征图标的重心和方向 void main() {Mat image = imread("1198.jpg", 0);//读入灰度图Mat binary;threshold(image1, binary, 55, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);Moments m = moments(binary, true)...
基于Sobel计算图像梯度图 is a project mainly written in , based on the .cv::Mat inputIMG = cv::imread("./input/src.jpg", 1);cv::Mat graySrc, grad_x, grad_y;cv::Mat abs_grad_x, abs_grad_y;cv::cvtColor(inputIMG, graySrc, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);...
Eigen库使用之矩阵的最大/小值及其位置 is a project mainly written in , based on the .
基于C++CUDA实现全景图(2:1 Equirectangular Image)转换为天空盒图像 is a project mainly written in , based on the .理论知识和其它实现算法可参考: 如果着急输出Cub...